July 4, 2024
Congratulations to the winners of our competition to describe how promoting physiologic birth transforms society.  Laura Zinsser contributed our runner-up submission.  Laura is a postdoctoral fellow at the Midwifery Research and Education Unit, Hannover Medical School, in Germany. View Laura's response below:

"Experiencing a natural birth can foster love and peace within societies. When a woman gives birth without technical or medical intervention, she connects with her innate strength, which can instill a sense of pride and confidence in her abilities. This mental state facilitates her transition from womanhood to motherhood, creating space for her to bond deeply with her baby. Her focus remains on her new family, rather than grieving any unwanted interventions, enabling her to support her baby. 

For the partner, a natural birth offers an opportunity to be actively involved, fostering a supportive family dynamic. Respect for the mother may increase, which in turn supports the postpartum period by strengthening the bond between the mother, baby, and partner. 

Witnessing or experiencing a natural birth can generate feelings of love, trust, and connection, reinforcing positive interdependence among people. These positive experiences extend into daily life, reducing conflicts and promoting peace. The processes of giving birth, being born, and supporting this journey led to a profound sense of connection and unity."

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